Child Protection

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Child Protection

The Child, Youth, and Family Services Act (“CYFSA”) is the legislation that promotes the well-being, protection, and best interests of children in Ontario. According to the CYFSA, a child needs protection if they meet the following criteria:

  • The child witnesses abuse or violence among adults in the family;
  • The child is left alone, uncared for, or neglected;
  • The child has been mistreated or is likely to be abused.

In Ontario, The Children’s Aid Society investigates and helps children who are in need of protection. dealing with a Children’s Aid Society (CAS) can be quite stressful for many parents and other carers as they will be questioned on whether they can provide the fundamental requirements for the children in their care.

A capable and knowledgeable family lawyer is essential if a child in your care has come to the attention of a CAS worker. The Society will often make an effort to work with the family voluntarily with the goal of providing the carers with services for any children who might require protection. However, communication with a CAS worker must be made with caution because any information given to a CAS worker can be used to build a case and they can apprehend your children into Foster Care.

Many times, negative life events are out of your control. If the CAS has taken you to court and you are in search for legal advice from a Child Protection Lawyer based in Orangeville, S. Cahill family law firm can represent you in court and defend the integrity of your family. Your connection to your children is extremely valuable and the threat of losing that connection with them causes much tension and anxiety. Let us guide you through your engagement with the CAS so that you and your family can stay happily together.

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